Tips To Care For Your Car Exteriors

Next to your home probably your car is your most important investment.

Your car exteriors receive all year round thrashing from general wear and the weather conditions.

The wear and tear on your car will be visible proof that you have not cared enough for your car.

Tasks like cleaning, waxing, repairing and maintenance must become the regular components of your car care portfolio. Here are a few tips to care for your car in the best possible way with the help of new car care products.

New car care products


The best car care tip you can get is to wash your car regularly. This process can remove the harmful debris from your car surface and minimize the chances of rusting.

It is always good to choose a shady spot for washing your car and also choose either morning or evening when the sun is not so intense to do the job.

If the car had been exposed to hot sun for quite some time, it is necessary to let it cool for some time before you start washing it.

To start with, wet down the entire car exteriors with the help of a garden hose with a spray nozzle.

Add two capful of concentrated car cleaning solution to a bucket full of water and use a sponge to apply it starting from the roof and come down gradually.

Wherever the debris is stubborn, repeat the application and then finally wash with water. Remember to use only new car care and detailing products.


Use soft and clean towels to dry your car. Microfiber drying towels and chamois can also do the job well.

These options can help soak up water very well and hence can help prevent water spots.

Apply protectants

Once the car is dried well, spray a dab of vinyl and rubber protectant on a rag and wipe it on the vinyl, rubber and plastic parts thoroughly.

For a complete and even coverage, apply the protectant in a circular motion. You must wait for the protectant to be absorbed well.

If the surface looks dry, it says the protectant is absorbed. Wipe down the parts with a clean rag. You will get the best results when you use new products for car care.


You must wax your car for protecting the paint and finish. Waxing seals the exteriors and protects the car surface from the weather elements like salt, bird droppings, splattered insects and UV rays.

Waxing can leave your car new and shining. You will get the wax in the form of cream, liquid or paste. The application of wax can last for six to eight weeks.

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